Python introduction


Slides from the workshop: https://erklä

Python Exercise 1 Greeting

Work in your exercises repository, in a file 04-python/

Define a function greet(name) that prints a greeting to the console.

For example, greet("Ada") should print Hello Ada!.

Python Exercise 2 Sum

Work in your exercises repository, in a file 04-python/

Define a function sum(array) similar that sums up the elements of an array and returns the result.

For example, print(sum([1, 2, 3])) should print 6.

Note: there is a built-in sum function! (But here the goal is that you implement it yourself.)

Python Exercise 3 Minimum

Work in your exercises repository, in a file 04-python/

Define a function min(array) that returns the minimum element of an array.

For example, print(min([2, 1, 3])) should print 1.

Note: there is a built-in min function! (But here the goal is that you implement it yourself.)

Users data

List of dictionaries (equivalent of an array of objects in JavaScript) used for the two next exercises:

users = [
        "first_name": "Brain",
        "last_name": "Mohr",
        "age": 54
        "first_name": "Bella",
        "last_name": "VonRueden",
        "age": 17
        "first_name": "Franz",
        "last_name": "Raynor",
        "age": 28
        "first_name": "Celestino",
        "last_name": "Bailey",
        "age": 61

Python Exercise 4 Hello users

Work in your exercises repository, in a file 04-python/

Add the list of users from the previous slide.

Define a function hello_users(users) that outputs My name is ??? and I am ??? years old. for each user.

Python Exercise 5 Group by age

Work in your exercises repository, in a file 04-python/

Add the list of users from the second previous slide.

Write a function group_by_age(users) that should return a dictionary of the form {"adults": [ ... ], "children": [ ... ]}, where each array only contains the corresponding users.

Python Exercise 6 Random password generator

Work in your exercises repository, in a file 04-python/

Define a function generate_password() that returns a random password made of numbers, letters and the - and _ characters. No other constraints.

Python Exercise 7 Random password generator with constraints

Work in your exercises repository, in a file 04-python/

Define a function generate_password_constrained() that returns a random password made of numbers, letters and the - and _ characters.

The result should contain at least one number and one special character.

Note: you can re-use the function defined in the previous exercise.