Collaborating with Git and GitHub

The GitHub workflow

See Understanding the GitHub Workflow.

  1. Create a branch (see Using branches).
  2. Open a PR (Pull Request) (see Creating a pull request).
  3. Discuss and review your code
  4. Merge the PR.

GitHub issues

See Mastering issues, GitHub guides.

GitHub Desktop App

Try it.

Exercise 1 Your exercises repository

  1. Create a new repository in your GitHub account with a Readme file. If you decide to make it private, please add Susanne and I as contributors (under “Settings” > “Manage access”).
  2. Create an issue named “Do first exercise” with the label “enhancement”.
  3. In a branch git-exercise-1, add a file named 01-git-collaboration/01-quote/index.html showing the quote of your choice at the center of the page.
  4. Once this is done, create a pull request for this branch, and add Susanne and I as reviewers.
  5. After we approved the pull request, merge it.


See Fork a repo.

Exercise 2 List of participants

Make a pull request to this repository to add a Markdown file [your-name].md to the folder 02-git-collaboration/exercises/02-list-of-participants with a link to your favorite song and two lines about you if you would like to (note that this repo is public).